clear-headed - определение. Что такое clear-headed
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Что (кто) такое clear-headed - определение

CLEAR; Cleared; Clear (album); Clear (disambiguation); CLEAR (disambiguation); CLEAR (command); Clear (command); Clear (band); Clear (song); Clear (brand)

·adj Having a clear understanding; quick of perception; intelligent.
¦ adjective alert and thinking logically.
clear-headedness noun
If you describe someone as clear-headed, you mean that they are sensible and think clearly, especially in difficult situations.
...his clear-headed grasp of the laws of economics.
ADJ [approval]



Clear may refer to:

  • Transparency and translucency, the physical property of allowing light to pass through
Примеры произношения для clear-headed
1. going to make the most clear-headed logical decision
The Power of When _ Michael Breus _ Talks at Google
2. I was clear headed for the first time in years.
Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance _ Steven Kotler _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для clear-headed
1. This single narrative must be met by a clear headed and unified response.
2. "My client is clear–headed," said Turnidge‘s court–appointed attorney, Steven Krasik of Salem.
3. It is no less essential that we remain clear–headed and united," he said.
4. They often reassure themselves in error rather than confront the truth in a clear–headed way.
5. But the dictators were nervous of clear–headed people who thought for themselves.